
Coldwater Branch Stream Mitigation Site

Our Coldwater Branch Stream Mitigation site is a shining example of what watershed level restoration can be when there are few design limitations and constraints. EPR was hired to implement the Client’s goals of developing a large stream and wetland mitigation bank that would connect to an upstream wetland mitigation bank, created two years prior. The project involves the complete restoration of the main stem of Coldwater Branch (approximately 25,000 feet) and seven smaller tributary drainages (an additional 9,000 feet). The designs were influenced heavily by onsite reference stream and wetland systems, as well as research data collected by EPR across the Atlantic Coastal Plain of the US. When completed, the project will protect a total of approximately 1,100 acres of land, including 500 acres of adjacent wetlands that are being rehydrated as a result of the stream restoration and associated work.