EPR believes that protecting the relationship between man and water is best served by understanding natural processes, community needs, and ecosystem services provided to the community by the environment. Consideration of these factors offers sustainable, long-term solutions to protecting water resources, life, property, and community well-being.
EPR’s engineers and scientists have experience living and working in a wide range of natural environments, from coastal plains of the eastern seaboard and Gulf of Mexico to the arid southwest. Our water resources staff are trained in, and understand, the natural processes of inland and coastal environments. EPR staff uses a variety of tools to engage and understand client needs, stakeholder interests, and regulatory requirements. We bring a deep understanding of natural resources together with community needs to ensure the most appropriate and sustainable options are considered for every project.
EPR has produced local- and watershed-scale studies, analyses, and engineering designs for public and private client projects. Our expertise is shared through project-specific workshops to help clients, regulators, and the public understand these complex systems and to gain support for balanced, sustainable solutions. EPR’s staff are ready and able to help your water resources project succeed.
- Hydrologic & Hydraulic (1D/2D) Modeling
- Sedimentation & Erosion Control Design
- Channel Stabilization Design
- Scour Analysis
- Watershed Master Planning
- FEMA CLOMR / LOMR & Permitting
- Floodplain & Stormwater Management Design
- Low Impact Development (LID) Analysis & Design
- BMP Analysis & Design
- Earthen Dam Design
- SWPPP Preparation & Construction Inspections
- Detention / Retention & Dam Breach Analysis
More information about EPR’s Water Resources Engineering Services are also provided in our Corporate Brochure.